Thanks for a good game! WAITING FOR YOU AT RuCTFE 2020 /
23 nov 2019

Thanks to for Kaspersky.Academy, SKB Kontur, Yandex and Targem Games for help!

Thanks for devteam! And the biggest thanks to you, dear participants!
Repo is public now:
Please, rate us at CTFTime: and leave feedback:

RuCTFE 2019 is over! /
23 nov 2019

Congratulations for saarsec, Bushwhackers and Corrupted Lights! Please, rate us at CTFTime and leave feedback. Thank you for a good game!

23 nov 2019

Round 2: firstblood on profile by [SPbCTF] fargate.

Round 6: fb on staff by Shadow Servants.

Round 9: radio by Bushwhackers.

Round 23: engine by SIGFLAG (but only one flag was stolen).

Round 63: locator by saarsec.

Round 64: patrol by Shadow Servants.

Round 195: household by Bushwhackers.


23 nov 2019

Network is open!
Remeber to run connect_vm_to_game_network if you’re using Cloud.
Scoreboard is available at ( for oldfags)
If you have problems with self-hosting, you’re welcome to use! There is ~70 free slots now.

RuCTFE 2019: LET'S GO /
23 nov 2019

Let's go! Password for image is 9w2hJ25jBvZNgPXrDX3AVGNh6hPbUg6k, Cloud is open. Network will be closed for the first hour. You can submit flags with http/https. Wish you good luck and having fun!

23 nov 2019

Image is here! Download it from our FTP, Yandex.Disk or Torrent.


  • f6e7cded6ba0ca58a77031361b84a2b38c27f9b4fa9a1fbbed87575f135585dc  ructfe2019.ova.7z
  • 08e04d4176988fb98a46b6d2e473415d5ffa5866a920f306e007d004a2a9440a  ructfe2019.ova

Also, here is active IPs for the game.

RuCTFE 2019 is tomorrow! SHORT FAQ /
22 nov 2019

While devs are having last preparations, we've collected some questions from you. Here is the answers.

Q: If my team plays self-hosted, what's system requirements?
A: Nothing special, 2 CPUs, 4GB RAM, 30GB HDD will be okay. Remember to install VirtualBox 6.0.14!

Q: Remind me, how long game round and flag lifetime is?
A: One round takes nearly 1 minute, flag is actual for 15 rounds.

Q: So, what's the timeline?
A: Get image password or access to Cloud at 10:00UTC, prepare for network opening at 11:00UTC, attack and defence for 8 hours. Celebrate winning at 19:00UTC!

21 nov 2019

This year we’ve shuffled teams’ IDs and will not show IPs on scoreboard. It’ll makes game harder for pros and changes nothing for newbies. Teams' IDs are pre-shuffled from 1 to 699 and we have full mapping, that will be shared after end of the game. During the game it's only up to teams to share or not share their ID/IP.

Question from WE_0WN_Y0U team: So since the IDs are randomized, can we somehow query which IDs are actually online/assigned? Cause otherwise we'd have to scan the net/attack the full range of possible IPs?
Answer: Yes, we’ll post the list of registered IPs right after registration closing on Slack, Telegram and here.

RuCTFE 2019 is coming! CHANGES AND CONFIGS /
19 nov 2019

Hey, RuCTFE will start at this Saturday! We've updated router and test images and sent to PoC of teams credentials for VPN, checksystem and RuCTFE Cloud access, please check your email (also check "Spam" folder!). If you haven't received the letter, you can request it again.

This year we have two huge changes in rules and network behavior:

  1. Now you will have access only to HTTP flag submission systems. Here is an example of HTTP-version usage. Yep, no TCP at 31337 port since this year.
  2. We've shuffled your IDs. Not accidentally, it's our choice. Now your ID for the game is not placed on Teams page, you'll get it with your configs.

And one small change: we’re moving from IRC to Slack.

Some important instructions!

  • If you plan to run vulnbox on your own server: download Router and TestImage and follow the instructions.
  • If you plan to play from Cloud: just chill, Cloud will be opened with the game start (you'll have enough time to prepare VM).
  • If you do/don't like changes: turn and face the strange changes and send your feedback to us 🙂